
so what class am i taking this month? well from january to march it was spanish and quilting then april was probably the month that i went to the gym 4 days a week every week at 630am oh and then in may it was yoga,and now in june oh yes...FLAMENCO. i have not done that yet!

so it is! on mondays its flamenco classes with charisse and rosalie!

this our teacher...she is super foxy!

here is a video of her dancing on the streets in sevilla. so cool!

our first class was rough. i surprisingly had shoes that work well for flamenco but damn its hard. clapping hands and stomping at different rhythms is tough work. however im so excited to be taking the class with the ladies.

see there are many ways for one to not spend time planning a wedding.
: )

1 comment:

rachel said...

awesome!!! show me your moves!