
heading to yoga soon. i am so tired! the last three weekends have been filled with fun times like taking the train to portland with charisse and visiting julia and vanessa. in portland we went to thrift shops, ate yummy food, and drank A LOT.

last weekend was more of all that and included a night out at linda's patio, more late night homemade nachos, black bottle with regina, and matt's punk rock show at the funhouse. the funhouse was great. the weather was fantastic and we were able to play basketball at the back patio.

i also FINALLY planted some veggies and flowers in my p-patch. marigolds, poppies, lettuce, spinach, and strawberries. soon there will be a tomato start that i need to transplant in a few weeks. oh fun.

this week is some of the last Lost episodes ever. *tear

and this weekend we are printing wedding invitations and mailing them out early next week. fun times, indeed.

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